
08:30am - 09:00am

09:00am- 12:30pm 
Workshop on Botulinum Toxin Treatment in Cerebral Palsy
Pratibha Singhi (India) ; Biju Hameed (UK)

01:30pm - 07:30pm

08:00am - 09:00am

09:00am- 09:45am
Opportunities for the therapy of genetic epilepsies
Jo Wilmshurst (South Africa)

09:45pm - 10:30pm
Myths & Mysteries in Epilepsy
Rajesh Ramachandran Nair (Canada)

10:30am - 10:45am - COFFEE BREAK

10:45am - 11:30am
Developmental Epileptic Encephalopathies
Nicola Specchio (Italy)

11:30am - 12:15pm
Recent advances in diagnosis and management of Neonatal Seizures
Lakshmi Nagarajan (Australia)

12:15pm - 01:00pm
Updates on the Management of drug refractory epilepsies
Hasan Tekgul (Turkey)

01:00pm - 02:00pm -LUNCH BREAK

02:00pm - 02:45pm
Recent advances in Tourette Syndrome
Jonathan Mink (USA)

02:45pm - 03:30pm
Charles Newton (Kenya)

03:30pm - 04:15pm
Update on Classification of Epilepsy
Kate Riney (Brisbane)

04:15pm - 04:30pm - COFFEE BREAK

04:30pm - 05:15pm
Approach to Hyperckemia
Ingrid Tein (Canada)

05:15pm - 06:00pm
Genetics & Epigenetics of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Sheffali Gulati (India)

06:15pm - 08:15pm














08:00am - 10:15 
Research Methodology & Scientific Writing Workshop
Jon Mink, Charles Newton, Jo Wilmshurst, Nicola Specchio

10:15am - 11:00am
Recent Advances in CNS Tuberculosis
Pratibha Singhi (India)

11:00am - 11:15am - COFFEE BREAK

11:15am - 12:00pm
Recent Advances in Gene Therapy for CNS Disorders
Anaita Hegde (India)

12:00pm - 12:45pm
Update on Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Jo Wilmshurst (South Africa)

12:45pm - 01:45pm - LUNCH BREAK

01:45pm - 02:30pm
Paroxysmal Dyskinesias
Jonathan Mink (USA)

02:30pm- 03:15pm
Approach to management of hypertonia
Biju Hameed (UK)

03:15pm - 03:30 - COFFEE BREAK

03:30pm - 05:00pm
Abstract Platform Presentations

05:00pm - 06:00pm
Approach to Metabolic Myopathies and Myoglobinuria
Ingrid Tein (Canada)

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