Important. These pages are retained here for historical purposes only and some of the information may be deprecated. The ICNA would like to thank everyone for making the congress a great success. We look forward to welcoming you again in Taipei, Taiwan for the ICNC2026.

Sao Paoloicnc-lp
March 1, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

The 13th International Child Neurology Congress will be held in the city of Foz do Iguaçu (Iguazú River Mouth), Brazil, from  4 to 9 May 2014. This is the second time that an ICNC is held in Latin America the first one being in Buenos Aires, Argentina,  in 1992. The congress will be held jointly with the 9th Brazilian Congress of Child Neurology

In the last 20 years Child Neurology has progressed enormously as a pediatric specialty not only in Brazil but in South America as a whole. Several national societies have been created which perform regularly very active local meetings. In Brazil, the SBNI (Brazilian Society of Infantile Neurology) has currently more then 300 members. SANI (Argentinian Society of Infantile Neurology) has about the same number of members. Members of the Colombian Society constitute almost one hundred.

Due to this undeniable strength of our specialty that could be witnessed by a number of child neurologists from all parts of the world who have been visiting our countries in these last years associated with the fact that our continent hasn´t hosted an international congress in the last two decades, the ICNA executive board elected Brazil as the venue of ICNC 2014.

From now on SBNI will be concentrating its energy on the local organization of the congress. We are backed by SANI whose executive board is largely involved in this task.

Pre and/or pos-congress events will be held in Buenos Aires and São Paulo.Bourbon Cataratas Convention Resort, a five star hotel, situated in the city of Foz do Iguaçu is the venue of the congress. It is located in a very privileged setting of 160000m2  that embrace a complete infrastructure. Its Convention Center has 14 manageable meeting rooms including a modular 780m2 ballroom holding up 1300 people. Congresses with some two thousand attendants have been held in this venue.  A number of hotels of distinct categories not far from the Convention Center will also be available.

The city itself is next to the falls (Cataratas do Iguaçu) which is considered one of the natural wonders of the world. Also, the city is located in the so called Triple Frontier, so that the cities of Ciudad del Este in Paraguay (which is a duty free port) and Puerto Iguazu in Argentina (from where there are also magnificent sights of the falls) can be reached in a few minutes drive.

There are several direct flights to Iguazu Falls from São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires and connecting flights from the major cities of South and Central America.

Brazil is a country with huge dimension, unique cultural diversity and the largest biodiversity of the planet that co-exist with a strong and competitive industry. However, our best trademark is the Brazilian hospitability.

For all these reasons we are sure that ICNC 2014 will be a success from both scientific and touristic point of view.That´s why on the behalf of SBNI, of the Brazilian child neurologists, and of the latin-american colleagues who are involved with the organization of the 13th. ICNC,  I welcome you to Brazil looking forward to meeting you in order to make together a very successful and unforgettable congress.

sergioSergio Rosemberg
Organizing Committee



March 07, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

It is my distinct honor, on behalf of the International Child Neurology Association, to invite you to register for the 13th International Child Neurology Congress to be held in Iguazu Falls, Brazil from May 04-09, 2014. The falls are located on both sides of the Brazil/Argentina border.

The Congress will be held jointly with the Brazilian Congress of Child Neurology, and promises to attract a large international audience.

As in the past congresses, the Scientific Program will be of the highest caliber, emphasizing not only the latest developments and advances in child neurology, but also a review of current standard of care in the practice of child neurology. Participants from all over the world will be able to engage in collegial exchange of ideas in a friendly and warm atmosphere.

Satellite symposia will be held in various locations in Brazil and Argentina.

An attractive socio-cultural program is also being planned, and participants and their families will be able to enjoy both the diversity and uniqueness that Brazil has to offer. The waterfalls are absolutely

Therefore, it is with great enthusiasm that we urge you to join us in Iguazu Falls, May 2014 in what we anticipate to be a memorable scientific, academic and social experience.

hchuganiHarry T. Chugani, M.D.
President, The International Child Neurology Association (ICNA)
Bruce and Rosalie Rosen Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology
Director, Positron Emission Tomography Center
Children's Hospital of Michigan, Detroit Medical Center
Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan, USA


Sao Paolosbni-lp
March 25, 2013

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Every year, the Brazilian Child Neurology Society (SBNI) organizes its Congress. It is attended by about 500 local child neurologists. In 2014, the 9th Annual SBNI Congress will be held together with the 13th International Child Neurology Congress.

This is a tremendous opportunity to Latin American colleagues to come to these meetings where the world leading specialists in Child Neurology and related sciences will discuss the up to date knowledge on all fields from basic science to clinical practice and therapeutic issues.

On behalf of the SBNI we are proud and delighted to welcome you to the Iguazu Falls.

Luiz Celso Pereira VilanovaLuiz Celso Pereira Vilanova


Montreal13TH ICNC btn
March 29, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

I am delighted to be the Chair of the Scientific Programming Committee for ICNC2014. The members of the Committee have worked hard to put together a meeting that combines both first-class scientific content and be representatinve of the international diversity and interests of child neurology.

Our line-up of invited Plenary Speakers are all world leaders in their respective fields. We have emphasized plenary sessions that address areas of current dynamic flux and change in child neurology that reflect what is a monumental paradigm shift in this field; the transition from a descriptive to an interventional discipline that can effect pround change in the lives of children and their families. This change is built on our embracing significant technological advances and applying them directly to the care of children with neurological disorders.

For the first time for an ICNC, symposia proposals were invited and anonymously ranked by the SPC on merit. The result is a stunning line up of concurrent symposias that spans the breadth of topic areas featuring world-leading presenters. The challenge for the attendee will be picking from an overflowing banquet of intellectual stimulation. I am actually looking forward to complaints from attendees that "there was too much to choose from" which will validate the SPC's work.

The final aspect of Scientific Content under the control of the SPC is that which you the Congress delegate will bring forward. These are the platforms and posters that will be selected from your Abstract submissions. Space and time restrictions will permit a total of 144 platform presentations and up to 600 poster presentations at ICNC2014. Given the success of prior ICNCs, I have no doubt that these presentations and posters will represent cutting edge work that will provide an enriching experience to all attendees.

Together with all the members of the SPC for ICNC2014 (listed below) I invite you to both submit an abstract and attend ICNC2014. We all look forward to what will be a tremendous international gathering of our community.

Guillermo Agosta (Argentina)
Hugo Arroyo (Argentina)
Russell Dale (Australia)
Marilisa Guerreiro (Brazil)
Lieven Lagae (Belgium)
Charles Newton (Kenya)
Sergio Rosemberg (Brazil)

See you in Iguazu Falls!

mshevellMichael Shevell
Scientific Program Committee


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