Important. These pages are retained here for historical purposes only and some of the information may be deprecated. The ICNA would like to thank everyone for making the congress a great success. We look forward to welcoming you again in Taipei, Taiwan for the ICNC2026.

ICNC2014 Programme Schedule
Date May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8 May 9
Time/Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Plenary lecture
Ingrid Scheffer (Australia)

Plenary Lecture
Tamar Weiss (Israel)

Plenary Lecture
Naila Zaman Khan (Bangladesh)
Plenary lecture
Adré Jacques du Plessis (USA)
09:00-10:00 Plenary lecture
Alan Mackay-Sim (Australia)
Frank Ford Award Lecture
Orvar Eeg-Oloffsson (Sweden)
Sheila Wallace Award Lecture
Sheffali Gulati
John Stobo Prichard Award Lecture
Steven Miller (Canada)
10:30-12:30 S01 S02 S03 S04 S05 S06 S07 S08 S09 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16
12:30-14:00 LUNCH BREAK
L01 L02 L03 L04 L05 L06 L07 ICNA
L08 L09 L10 ICNA
L11 L12 L13 ACNA
14:00-14:15 ICNA
FP01 FP13 FP25 FP39 FP51 FP63 FP75 FP88

Social Programme
Visit to Iguazu Falls
Gala Dinner

FP100 FP112 FP124 FP137
14:15-14:30 FP02 FP14 FP26 FP40 FP52 FP64 FP76 FP89 FP101 FP113 FP125 FP138
14:30-14:45 FP03 FP15 FP27 FP41 FP53 FP65 FP77 FP90 FP102 FP114 FP126 FP139
14:45-15:00 FP04 FP16 FP28 FP42 FP54 FP66 FP78 FP91 FP103 FP115 FP127 FP140
15:00-15:15 FP05 FP17 FP29 FP43 FP55 FP67 FP79 FP92 FP104 FP116 FP128 FP141
15:15-15:30 FP06 FP18 FP30 FP44 FP56 FP68 FP80 FP93 FP105 FP117 FP129 FP142
15:30-15:45 FP07 FP19 FP31 FP45 FP57 FP69 FP81 FP94 FP106 FP118 FP130 FP143
15:45-16:00 FP08 FP20 FP32 FP46 FP58 FP70 FP82 FP95 FP107 FP119 FP131 FP144
16:00-16:15 FP09 FP21 FP33 FP47 FP59 FP71 FP83 FP96 FP108 FP120 FP132 FP145
16:15-16:30 FP10 FP22 FP34 FP48 FP60 FP72 FP84 FP97 FP109 FP121 FP133 FP146
16:30-16:45 FP11 FP23 FP35 FP49 FP61 FP73 FP85 FP98 FP110 FP122 FP134 FP147
16:45-17:00 FP12 FP24 FP36 FP50 FP62 FP74 FP86 FP99 FP111 FP123 FP135 FP148
17:00-17:15     FP37
17:15-17:30     FP38
17:30-19:00 Opening
ICNA Executive Board Meeting
(05:00 PM - 10:00 PM)   
E05 E06 E07 E08 E09 E10 E11 E12

  S01-S16 Symposia ; L01-L13 Lunch time meetings (tba) ; FP01-FP144 Free Papers (tba) ; E01 -E12 Special Interest Groups/ Meet the Experts (tba)
ICNA COD : ICNA Council of Delegates ; ICNA AGM : ICNA General Body Meeting ; ACNA EB : African Child Neurology Association Executive Board Meeting
tba: to be announced ; Mouse over / click to view details

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