Interim 6th ICNA Congress (November 8–13, 1992, Buenos Aires)

  • Event: Interim 6th ICNA Congress
  • Dates: November 8–13, 1992
  • Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Coinciding Event: First Iberoamerican Congress of Pediatric Neurology
  • Organized by: Dr. Natalio Fejerman

Congress Details

  • Plenary symposia
  • Posters and Free Papers
  • Proceedings Published:
    • 'New Trends in Pediatric Neurology' edited by Dr. Fejerman and colleagues
    • 'Autismo Infantil y Otros Trastornos del Desarrollo' (Spanish) edited by Dr. Fejerman and others

Awards and Lectures

  • Prichard Award: Dr. Bwee Tien Poll-The´ (The Netherlands)
    • Topic: Peroxisomal diseases
  • Frank Ford Memorial Lecture: Dr. Yukio Fukuyama
    • Topic: Overview of congenital muscular dystrophy

Iberoamerican Congress

  • Last Day: Devoted to the Iberoamerican Congress
  • Presentations: Most papers delivered in Spanish
  • ICNA President's Presentation: Dr. Jean Aicardi
    • Topic: ‘Child neurology at the end of the century: a new world and its challenges’

Iberoamerican Academy of Pediatric Neurology

  • Founded: 1992
  • Journal: Acta Neuropediatrica
    • First Published: 1994
    • Unique Feature: Articles in both Spanish and English
    • Distribution: Almost 3000 readers


(1992) 6th Congress of the International Child Neurology Association. 1st Iberoamerican Congress of Pediatric Neurology. Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 8-13, 1992. Abstracts. Pediatr Neurol 8 (5):344-411. PMID: 1358083

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