• Neuroimages
  • Subependymal Giant cell Astrocytoma (SEGA) (Male 3yrs)

Subependymal Giant cell Astrocytoma (SEGA) (Male 3yrs)

Diagnostic certainty
3 yr old boy with tuberous sclerosis
There are multiple sub-ependymal nodules in keeping with tubular sclerosis. The cortical tubers are not well seen in unmyelinated white matter, but are present in both cerebral hemispheres. Radial abnormalities are well demonstrated on the T1 weighted images. In addition to these typical findings of a TS there is a subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA) in the foramen monro on the left. There is mild prominence of the left lateral ventricle compared with that on the right. 
APA Style
Subependymal Giant cell Astrocytoma (SEGA) (Male 3yrs). (n.d.). In ICNApedia. Retrieved February 21,2025 14:31:17 from http://icnapedia.org/neuroimage/8802
MLA Style
"Subependymal Giant cell Astrocytoma (SEGA) (Male 3yrs)." ICNApedia: The Child Neurology Knowledge Environment, Inc. May 12, 2020. Web. February 21,2025 14:31:17
AMA Style
ICNApedia contributors. Subependymal Giant cell Astrocytoma (SEGA) (Male 3yrs). ICNApedia, The Child Neurology Knowledge Environment. May 12, 2020. Available at: http://icnapedia.org/neuroimage/8802.Accessed February 21,2025 14:31:17.


Subependymal Giant cell Astrocytoma (SEGA) (Male 3yrs)

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