387 results - showing 1 - 10
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Shagun Aggarwal
Dr Shagun Aggarwal Professor and I/C Head, Department of Medical Genetics, NIMS, Hyderabad
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Nihaal Reddy
Dr Nihaal Reddy Consultant Pediatric Neuroradiologist Rainbow Childrens Hospitals-India
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Jyotsna AS
Dr Jyotsna AS- DNB (Ped) DM (Pediatric Neurology), Consultant Pediatric Neurologist, Apollo BGS Hospital, Mysore, India
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Aneesh Mohimen
Dr (Col) Aneesh Mohimen Professor (Radiology) & Interventional Neuroradiologist Department of Radiodiagnosis Army Hospital Research and Referral, New Delhi, INDIA, 110010 Radiologist at Indian Armed Forces Medical Services for past 18 years. Interventional Neuroradiologist for past 11 years. Special interest in pediatric neuroimaging, interventional neuroradiology and Liver Transplant Interventions. Expertise in Stroke interventions, brain aneurysms, AV Malformations and treatment of high and low CSF pressure states. Head of Interventional Radiology at Army Hospital (Research and Referral) for past 2 ½ years and part of Indian Armed Forces Liver Transplant program
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Seraphin Nguefack
Pr Seraphin Nguefack Cameroon Pr Seraphin NGUEFACK is a Neuro-Developmental Paediatrician working at Yaoundé Gynaeco-Obstetric and Paediatric Hospital, and the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon. I'm a full-time clinician and Full Professor of Paediatric who manage a range of Neurological and Developmental Disorders, including Mental retardation, neuromuscular diseases, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, ADHD, Epilepsy, Learning Disability, Genetic Disorders, and many others
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Pinar Ozbudak
Pinar Ozbudak graduated from Gazi University, Turkey. She worked as child neurologist for almost 4 years. She is now working at Ankara Etlik City Hospital. She is a member of FLICNA and EPNS. She is interested in especially neonatal epilepsy, neuro rheumatology and also movement disorders.
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Guillermo Agosta
Guillermo Agosta Head of the Pediatric Neurology Department at Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (HIBA). Former president of Sociedad Argentina de Neurologia Infantil (SANI). Guillermo Agosta graduated from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). He finished her Pediatrics residency at Hospital Casa Cuna and Pediatric Neurology Residency at Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutierrez (HNRG). He was Head of the Pediatric Neurology Department at Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (HIBA). Former president of Sociedad Argentina de Neurologia Infantil (SANI). I also served as a Board member of ICNA between 2006 and 2014. Is director of...
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Eugenia Jara
Eugenia Jara Chief resident in Pediatric Neurology at Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Eugenia Jara graduated from the Foundation for the Development of Health Sciences "Barceló Foundation (FBCS). She completed her residency in Pediatrics and in Pediatric Neurology at Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Currently, she works as chief resident in Pediatric Neurology at Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires.
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Noelia Chamorro
Noelia Chamorro Associate physician & postgraduate instructor in the epilepsy section of the Child Neurology Department at Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Noelia Chamorro graduated from the National University of the Northeast (UNNE). She completed her residency in Pediatrics at Hospital de la Madre y el Niño and her residency in Pediatric Neurology at Hospital J.P. Garrahan. Additionally, she completed a fellowship in epilepsy and clinical neurophysiology at FLENI. Currently, she works as an associate physician and postgraduate instructor in the epilepsy section of the Child Neurology Department at Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires.
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Audrius Plioplys
Dr. Audrius V. Plioplys is a board-certified neurologist with special competence in child neurology in the US and Canada. He received his medical degree from the Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago. He then completed an adult neurology residency at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota followed by a pediatric neurology residency at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. He returned to Chicago where he established an Alzheimer’s disease research laboratory and ran Alzheimer’s disease clinics at the Michael Reese Hospital and Mercy Hospital and Medical Centre and was an assistant professor in the Dept....
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387 results - showing 1 - 10
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