Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood: Long-term outcome.

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Krams B, Echenne B, Leydet J, Rivier F, Roubertie A (2011) Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood: long-term outcome. Cephalalgia 31 (4):439-43. DOI: 10.1177/0333102410382797 PMID: 20851837.
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Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood: Long-term outcome.

Cephalalgia. 2010 Sep 17;

Authors: Krams B, Echenne B, Leydet J, Rivier F, Roubertie A

Introduction: Benign paroxysmal vertigo (BPV) is characterized by recurrent attacks of dizziness in a healthy child. Complete recovery typically takes place during childhood, and an epidemiological link with migraine has been pointed out. Nevertheless, data concerning long-term patient outcome are scarce. Subjects and methods: We analyzed the clinical data of 17 patients diagnosed with BPV between 1991 and 2008 in our neuropediatric department; we particularly focused on family medical history and long-term patient outcome by reviewing their medical files and by interviewing the families with a standardized questionnaire administered by phone. Results: Thirteen families responded to the questionnaire, performed 1.1 to 24.5 years after onset. Among 10 patients older than 11 years of age, five continue to suffer attacks of vertigo. Median age at recovery was six years. Nine subjects exhibited migraine, including all six aged 15 years or older. There was a first-degree history of migraine in eight out of 13 children. Conclusion: BPV may not be a homogeneous condition, as some children have a poorer prognosis than others. The strong link with migraine, already noticed by previous authors, led us to discuss the pathophysiology of this condition.

PMID: 20851837 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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